Welcome to the fe2 Women’s Mentoring Network.
In Acts 4, Peter and John are standing in chains before the high priest and all the elders, rules and scribes gathered in Jerusalem. They were in custody for having healed a lame beggar and telling people about the Lord’s resurrection and the power of the Holy Spirit. As they stood there, they were asked this simple, yet direct question. Several in the crowd were amazed, several were annoyed, but all wanted to know by whose authority they were able to do this. Let’s dig deeper and find out how they responded.
Read Acts 4:7-13. What was their response to the Council and the crowd? Did they shrink back in shame or did they take courage and bear witness to the Lord’s power?
The authorities could not deny that Peter and John had done a good deed so they were released. However, they were specifically told not to tell anyone else about the Name by which others could be saved (4:12). They were told to not speak or teach at all in the Name of Jesus (4:18). What was their response to that imposed regulation? Read Acts 4:19-20.
Like Peter and John in the NT, Daniel and his friends in the OT also were asked a similar question. Read Daniel 3:12-18. Be sure to look for King Nebuchadnezzar’s direct question at the end of verse 15. How did they respond?
Typically we do not have to face chains or a fiery furnace on a daily basis. However, we do make choices every day that will set us apart or blend us in with the world. Would those who know you well say that you walk to the beat of a different drummer based on your actions and attitude or would they not have a clue that you believe in the powerful Name of Jesus?
On Sunday, Eugene talked about affections of the world that lure us away from staying the course and clinging to His power. What are you drawn to in the world that distracts you from focusing on the One Name who has all power and authority? Read 1 John 2:-15-17. What are the ways of the world listed that lure you the most (the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes or the pride in your possessions?)
Eugene reminded us on Sunday that we are on the winning team. We serve a Victorious Warrior. But do you realize that it is not just a future victory that we are guaranteed if we believe in the Name of Jesus? It is also a present promise of victory that we can cling to in times of trouble. Read Psalm 46:1. How does that bring you Hope today?
Read Matthew 10:28 to hear what Jesus is teaching about man’s authority vs God’s authority. How does verse 28 relate to Peter and John standing before the Council or Daniel and his friends standing before the King? They chose to fear whom? What a powerful God of ultimate authority who can destroy both soul and body.
But does He abuse that authority? Read Matthew 10:29-33. Are you seen and known and loved by this all powerful God? Yes! So what does Jesus want you to do about it? Read verse 32. Like Peter and John, he wants you to bear witness and testify to His power and might but also to His ever present help in times of trouble.
Eugene encouraged us on Sunday by reading about the Warrior King in Revelation 19. He rides in on a white horse for the final battle and in verse 13 it says that his name is called the “Word of God”. The Lord taught a parable about a sower to a crowd by the sea in Matthew 13. Read the explanation of the parable in Matthew 13:18-23. What happens to the seed, the Word of the Kingdom, in the various examples? Which of the examples do you think represents the Word in your life?
Are you letting the lure of the world choke out the Word (verse 22) or you letting it take root in your life and bear fruit (verse 23)? Like Peter and John, you must bear witness to what you see and know to be True of the Name of Jesus - the only Name under heaven by which we must be saved.
He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords and we must stay battle-ready knowing we are on the winning team. But we also need to stay battle-ready by remaining in the Word of God so that it will take root and bear fruit that testifies to what we see and know to be true of the One who even knows the number of hair on our heads. He is a powerful yet personal God.