Welcome to the fe2 Women’s Mentoring Network.
Have you ever felt misunderstood, insignificant, frustrated, weary or dishonored since you confessed Jesus as Lord and Savior - and yet you know you are an heir to all spiritual blessings in the kingdom of God? Why would your allegiance to Christ be challenged by opposition or misunderstanding? Throughout the New Testament, Jesus explains why we will not only experience a lack of regard but warns us that is to be expected.
Read Matthew 13:53-58. Although astonished at Jesus’ teaching in his hometown of Nazareth, what was their response to Jesus? How did Jesus respond and why did he not do mighty works there? Have you experienced disbelief from your family and friends? How did that govern your response?
According to John 15:18-21 how does the “world” (unbelievers) feel about those who profess Christ and serve in His name unashamedly? Why do they feel this way? Who does the world reject and why does this rejection affect the believer? This did not thwart the purpose of God through Jesus. How about you?
Read Philippians 3:12-21. The context of this passage is pursuing the goal of Christlikeness with intentional fervor. What is required as stated in 3:13 in order to press on toward the goal? What are your eyes to be focused on? According to 3:19-20 why would we not focus on earthly things?
Read 2 Corinthians 5:6-10. How are you to walk and what is to be your attitude? Your ambition is to please the Lord. Where will you appear and for what purpose? Does this affect your fervor toward the prize?
From the scriptures you have observed it seems that royalty, a child of the king, may experience rejection from family and friends. Those who do not share our faith in Christ will likely not act kindly toward us or understand our biblical worldview that influences our desire to please God more than man. Based on Colossians 3:23-24 who are you to work heartily for and why? Do you find this encouraging as you seek to please the Lord and not man?
Read 2 Corinthians 3:4-6. In whom do you have confidence and sufficiency as you represent Christ? We have seen that royalty does not necessarily come with regard - as Jesus personally experienced and prepared believers to expect. Is the upward prize in Christ Jesus worth it to you to choose God and not man for approval and reward? The body of Christ is a source for encouragement and accountability. Who do you seek out to be a safe place with a listening ear and yet will speak truth in love?
Because your citizenship is in heaven, it is required on a regular basis to examine your heart because temporarily you live among people with a different worldview. The Psalms serve as a window to see clearly the despair and injustice of the called and chosen who cry out to God for comfort and rescue. What does the psalmist in Ps. 139:23-24; 26:1-3; 25:12-22 request of the Lord? Are you willing to ask the Lord to examine your heart and show you what needs to be addressed to please Him?
Read and pray through Ephesians 6:5-9, Galatians 6:1-10, Philippians 2:12-18 as you consider royalty without regard. Jesus accomplished that which He was called to do, will you?