Welcome to the fe2 Women’s Mentoring Network.
It is our choice either to grumble and experience fear, anxiety, frustration and hopelessness or to give praise and thanksgiving to our God and Savior who is worthy and experience the God of peace, joy and hope despite our past or present circumstances.
Psalm 145:1 “I will exult you, my God and King, and praise your name forever and ever.” Letʼs unpack this verse starting with “I will exult you, my God and King”. Exult or extol is to rise or lift up, to set on high. Who is being lifted up and set on high? Is the determination to exult the Lord an intentional choice or a casual response? Explain. Read Revelation 4:11 and describe how you experience God through exalting the name of Jesus?
The final phrase in Psalm 145:1 involves an additional choice to make. What is the psalmist stating he will do and for how long? The word praise in this verse can also be translated bless with the intended meaning to cause to kneel down, to adore or even to salute. With that in mind what would be your attitude before the Lord? Do your circumstances affect your attitude? Is God still worthy to be exalted and praised in our season of discontentment or suffering?
To worship someone is to acknowledge their worth-ship and to defer to their position of honor. What is your typical attitude or posture when you approach your God and King?Read Revelation 4:9-10. It would appear that worship is an ongoing experience in heaven in the presence of the One who sits upon the throne. Do you find yourself waiting to exalt and praise the Lord until you are in His heavenly presence or can you experience God in your here and now?
Read Philippians 2:9-11. What honor has God bestowed upon Jesus Christ? What will be the attitude and posture in response to the name of Jesus? What will people say? Who are these people that will confess Jesus Christ is Lord? How do you respond to the name of Jesus Christ and what words does your tongue speak?
Read Matthew 15:19. What is the origin of the words you speak? Describe the thoughts or feelings that occupy your heart. Are they predominantly good or evil? Read James 3:1-12. The tongue is described as a “fire, a world of unrighteousness” and “no human being can tame the tongue...is full of deadly poison.” What is the paradox described in vs. 9-10? Does your tongue primarily bless or curse because scripture teaches that it does both!! How can you harbor in your heart words of righteousness?
The Gospel Approach
Admittedly, offering praise and worship to the Lord is not a formula to experience immediate joy, peace or to be filled with hope, however, it does serve as an antidote for our depraved heart and fiery tongue. How do you want to experience God? If you need provision your Provider is Jehovah-jireh. If you need to know God is real and present then El-Roi is the God who sees. If you need One to whom you can trust and rely on for your needs then El-Shaddai is the all sufficient One.
Identify your need(s) and through praise and worship focus on the attribute of God that represents that need and experience God. Fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of your faith, Hebrews 12:2.