Welcome to the fe2 Women’s Mentoring Network.
Read Matthew 18:21-22 What did Peter ask Jesus and how did He respond? How can that even be possible? What do you think Jesus meant by 70 x 7? How would you define and describe forgiveness?
Matthew 6:12-15 What is our request concerning forgiveness in what has been referred to as the Lord’s Prayer in 6:12? What behavior is stated as a reason the Lord “should” forgive us? In 6:14-15 what is the instruction and sequence that Jesus teaches us about forgiveness?
Matthew 5:44-45 instructs us to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us...why???
How does Jeremiah 17:9 describe the heart? Would deceptionimply that we have, do and will sin? Read James 1:13-16. Explain the process of temptation leading to sin. Can you identify the area of your vulnerability to be deceived or lured from temptation into sin?
Read Daniel 9:9 Who is rebellious and in whom does mercy and forgiveness belong? Would you describe your heartas being rebellious? Explain. According to this verse why would God forgive?
We have seen that our heart is deceitful and rebellious. What is the exhortation in 1 John 1:9 regarding sin? To whom do we confess sin and what is the promise? Do you really believe that God can and will forgive you? Do you “deserve” it? What purpose does confession serve?
Gospel Approach:
What does forgiveness look like in your daily walk? Does forgiving someone imply that you forget the injustice and the pain of wrongdoing? Do we just “let that person off the hook” without paying the debt owed for inflicting emotional or physical harm? Read Romans 13:8. What debt do we “owe” to another?
Let us start with Ephesians 4:22-24. What are you to put off and put on and why? Now read Ephesians 4:32 and describe what you are to do and why? How is this possible? Did you deserve God’s forgiveness? Why is it so difficult to extend forgiveness to one who is undeserving? Read Hebrews 12:14-15. What are we to strive for with everyone and why? What does the grace of God have to do with the root of bitterness? Explain the correlation between bitterness and forgiveness?
We are to love and pray for our enemies, Matthew 5:44. Did the prison guards at Ravensbruck deserve forgiveness? The rest of the story is that one of them became a believer. God’s purpose is bigger than our circumstance. Knowing the truth of the Gospel will set us free, John 8:32.