Welcome to the fe2 Women’s Mentoring Network.
In Exodus 3, Moses was wandering around the wilderness tending to his flock having a typical, mundane, ordinary day - until he saw a bush on fire that wasn’t actually burning. Curious, he went to investigate and was astonished to hear a voice call his name. Who was talking? (verse 6). What did He tell Moses was his purpose in coming down to visit? (verses 7-9) Read Exodus 34:6. How does this verse compare with what you see in verses 7-9?
The Lord continued to reveal to Moses his plan for delivering the people of Israel, and he shocked Moses by telling him he would be the one to go before Pharaoh to request their release. Moses had a simple question in verse 13. What was it? What was God’s answer in verse 14?
I AM. What does that mean? (If you switch the pronouns around to “HE IS” that may help you. HE IS (fill in the blank).... Don’t just give the Sunday school answer. HE IS what to you? HE IS whom? How do you know who HE IS?
When you read the passage above that the Lord heard His people’s cries for help and He saw their affliction, did that surprise you? Do you believe that He hears you and sees you? Not just collectively as a human race, but individually as a loved child of the King?
The Gospel of John gives us six I AM statements that will help us define who Jesus says that HE IS. Read each verse and list the I AM statement and what the end result is if you believe the I AM statement to be true.
John 6:35 - I AM ____ and if you believe in Me, you will never _____. What/who do you turn to for satisfaction? Is there a void you are trying to fill in anything other than the One who will complete you?
John 8:12 - I AM ____ and if you follow Me you will not _____. Do you need discernment to light your path for you now? What/who are you turning to for wisdom and direction?
John 10:14 - I AM ____ and if you know Him, He will _____ you. Do you have an intimate relationship with your heavenly Father who promises to know you and love you and lay down His life for you? What keeps you from desiring that intimacy with the Almighty?
John 11:25 - I AM ____ and if you believe in Me, even if you die, you will _____. In this context, Martha’s brother Lazarus had died and she was begging Jesus to bring him to life. Jesus assures her