Welcome to the fe2 Women’s Mentoring Network.
Read Genesis 2:20-25. What was Adam’s problem? What was God’s solution? Was Adam thankful for the gift?
Read Genesis 3:12-13. Now what was Adam’s problem? Was Adam still thankful for the gift of Eve? Ponder this quote. How does it apply to the Adam and Eve story? “When God’s order is repudiated, it results in ruin.” (John Piper)
Even in the beginning of Scripture, while still in the Garden, Adam and Eve started the blame game. Now what was God’s solution?
The perfect unity Adam and Eve first had in the Garden was destroyed by sin. But God had a solution that would point us back to Him. The solution is seen in a biblical marriage. Read Ephesians 5:22-33.
What is your current struggle with this topic?
What is the most difficult part of the Ephesians 5 passage for you in your marriage?
Which role in Ephesians 5 do you think is easier – the husband or the wife? Why?
Genesis 3 states that Eve was a suitable helper fit for her husband. What does that look like in your marriage? What should it look like?
The blame game started in the Garden (Adam to Eve, Eve to serpent). Does blaming your spouse take a front seat at your home? If not your spouse, who or what do you tend to blame for your marriage issues?
Specifically, the wife submits to whom? How? With that in mind, do you still submit to him even when he does not deserve it? Why? (Ephesians 5:22)
How does the husband love the wife according to Ephesians 5:25-27? Is it in order to make her happy or holy? What would that practically look like marriage for both the husband and the wife?
What is the cycle of relational stewardship revealed in Ephesians 5:33?
Ecclesiastes 4:12b states that “a threefold cord is not quickly broken”. Imagine the cord as a husband, a wife and the Lord. Is that a representation of your marriage? If not, what/who are the cords are you clinging too instead? What should you give up to make the bind stronger?
Suggested Reading: Romans 5:12-21, Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas, Love & Respect by Eggerichs