Welcome to the fe2 Women’s Mentoring Network.
Read Colossians 1:15-20. Paul is thorough in his explanation of Jesus. List who He is below.
Examine 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. In your own words, what is the Gospel?
Which of us were in right standing with God before Christ? (Romans 3:10-18)
What did Christ do for us? Use Romans 5:1-11 to make your list.
Read John 15:7-17. What role does prayer play in the process of pointing people to Christ? (v.7-8) Take a minute to write down how Christ equips us for discipleship and what it means to love one another and bear fruit. (v. 9-17)
Paul outlines how to speak to “outsiders” in Colossians 4:5-6. We may find it easy to show mercy in our speech, but how do we season with salt? Salt preserves, salt cleanses, and salt brings out the best flavors on whatever it is sprinkled. How do grace and salt reflect the message of Christ?
In Romans 1:18-23, Paul did not give the Gentiles an excuse for not honoring God. Given this, do you think unbelievers are really questioning the existence of God or whether or not they will put their trust in Him?
Write down the story of when you came to know Christ. How did the Lord answer the longing in your heart? Try to put yourself in the position of your old self as you reflect on the longing of your heart at that time.
Christ died and rose again to give us eternal hope and rescue us from our sin. Who is the one who saves? How does John 18:9 change the way we approach unbelievers?
John Piper said this in the foreword to Sam Crabtree’s book Practicing Affirmation, “The point of being created in the image of God is that human beings are destined to display God. That’s what images do. And the point of being redeemed by Jesus, and renewed after the image of our Creator, is to recover our destiny.” How does this quote change your perspective on sharing Jesus?
Have you ever been tripped up by an unbeliever who seemed to know more about the Bible than you? Was it centered on trivial details or the Truth of the Gospel?
Heart check. If you are planning on meeting with an unbelieving friend, what is your focus: To prove you are right or to love them enough to show them the Christ who saved you?
Be Present – In Mark 2:13-17, we notice that Jesus went to the home of Levi. On whose turf was He? Who was uncomfortable in the scenario? How can this story give you confidence when engaging others for Christ?
Find Common Ground- Read Paul’s explanation of Christ’s humility in Philippians 2:1-11. Did Jesus approach the Samaritan woman at the well with humility or arrogance in John 4:1-10. What was the significance of Jesus expressing his thirst? We all have the same basic needs. How can you find common ground with an unbeliever?
Ask Intentional Questions– Read John 5:1-17. What question did Jesus ask the invalid man? How can we ask sincere, diagnostic questions concerning the heart condition of another person using Jesus’ example?
Listen for the Longing– In Luke 18:18-30, Jesus responds to the questions of the rich young ruler. How does Jesus explain eternal life to a rich man? How can you listen well enough to hear what the person can’t attain on their own and point them back to Jesus? For instance, how do they reconcile being “good”?
Share the Good News– If we look back at John 4:13-14, we see that Christ offers the Samaritan woman exactly what she longed for – Him! As Christians, we all were created with a deep desire for intimacy with God. It isn’t about being good enough. It is about One who is enough, who laid down His life for broken sinners. What other faith tells of this kind of rescue? John 3:16 shows us what extreme measures the Lord went to save us from our separation from God. The Lord has grafted your story into His; don’t be afraid to tell of how the Lord has given you a new hope.
Other Resources: https://www.desiringgod.org/interviews/humbly-handling-the-offense-of-the-gospel-with-non-christians