Welcome to the fe2 Women’s Mentoring Network.
We are all longing for more. Read Isaiah 55:2-3. Are they spending their time and money on what will satisfy?
Psalm 63:1. What does the psalmist say will satisfy? Jeremiah 15:16. What does the prophet recommend?
Read Matthew 5:6 and Proverbs 30:8-9. Why would we not want more than our daily needs?
Can you relate to a soul that is weary and dry? (Matthew 11:28-30)
A physically anorexic person resists physical nurture and will starve themselves in a world full of food. In the same way, are you spiritually anorexic living in a world full of Godʼs love and grace–yet starving your soul? Why or why not?
What do you strive to satisfy your soul with on a regular basis? Is it working?
Physical anorexics believe they need to continually do things to their bodies to achieve satisfaction to assert control and/or earn a misshapen ideal. In the same way, spiritual anorexics believe they have to do more to earn favor in Godʼs eyes. Read Titus 3:5-7. Is it really more we must accomplish or is it what He has already done that rescues us? What has He done?
How anorexics view themselves and God is how they believe others perceive them and God. Belief affects behavior. What do you believe about God? Read John 6:35, 9:5, 10:11, 11:25, 14:6 and 15:1. Who does Jesus say He is? How does knowing those attributes of God help nourish your soul?
What do you believe about who you are in Christ? Read Isaiah 61:10. Who does He say you are? How does that compare to how you view yourself?
In Christ, you have a friend. Read John 15:15. How do you connect with your Friend to restore your soul? Read Psalm 119:103, Psalm 5:3, Psalm 119:11. What are some tangible ways to nourish your soul based on these passages?
Read John 15:1-11. How does that relate to spiritual anorexia? What is the solution to bearing fruit? Instead of being bloated on the Word and only consuming it, we must find joy in bearing fruit and living out what we know to be Truth.
Suggested Reading: Feast on the book of Ephesians. The first half is solid doctrine on who you are in Christ and the second half is the practical application of living that out.