Welcome to the fe2 Women’s Mentoring Network.
Read Joshua 4. What did God instruct the twelve men of each tribe to do? From where did the men collect the stones? What question was God preparing the tribes to answer (v.21)? What was the collective story the Israelites were to tell? What did it tell of the hand of God on his people (v.23-24)?
Now let’s examine Jesus’ invitation to the twelve to remember in Luke 22: 14-19. What was his instruction in verse 17? Reflect on the communal aspect of the Lord’s table. Why is it important that the “body of Christ” share in the Lord’s supper? What does Jesus call us to do in verse 19? How does communion help us to understand the spiritual union between Jesus and the church and also between members of the body?
Jesus instructed the disciples and us to continue to meet at the table and remember his sacrifice for us. Take time to remember the transformational power of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection on your life. Who were you before you knew him and how is he transforming you?
Reflect on other times you have experienced the love of God in your life. Have you experienced the supernatural provision of God or had a heightened awareness of the Lord’s great mercy that deepened your faith? In what ways has he delivered you? Take time to remember.
Have you shared your story with other believers? Do you have a faithful circle of friends who know your struggles and have seen the Lord’s faithfulness in your life? We are all Israelites who are easily prone to temporary amnesia when it comes to our relationship with God. This is one reason we are called to be in community. When you forget, do you have friends willing to remind you of God’s mighty hand on your life?
Read Hebrews 10:23-25. What is our responsibility to one another? Pick back up in verse 32 and finish the chapter. What do we have in our possession? What are we encouraged not to throw away (v.35)?
Read 1 Peter 2:1-10. What are we longing for and why? How does Peter describe Christ (v.4)? What do we become once we know him? One stone laid on another, we are now a spiritual house! From the beginning of time, God has sought a people to proclaim his goodness. Who are we according to verse 9-10?
How will remembrance translate to the forward momentum of the gospel? Paul speaks of himself and others in 2 Corinthians 5:20 as ambassadors. What was God doing through them and now through us?