Welcome to the fe2 Women’s Mentoring Network.
“Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20
Jesus spoke of the power of mustard seed sized faith that moves mountains, but faith is not mustered. Like courage, a saving faith is an external force that is bestowed upon us by Christ and is sealed by the Holy Spirit. It grows as we find satisfaction in the person of Jesus and the promises of God. By faith, God accomplishes a redeemed people who live to his glory and bear witness of his love…and mountains are moved and the impossible is possible.
The Power of the Gospel (Our Redemption Through Christ): Read Ephesians 2:1-10. Write down the words that described YOUR past (1-3). By what means were you made alive? Circle the action words of God in verses 4-7. How were you saved? What is the gift God gave you? What is your faith meant to accomplish? Read Colossians 1:21-23. What makes faith steadfast and stable (v.23)?
God’s Sovereign Will: Ephesians 1:11-14, speaks of God’s plan. It starts, “In him, you were chosen”. God’s plan is predestined, and you are a part of it. In verse 11, Paul states that God works ALL THINGS to the purpose of his will. What is his purpose (hint: end of verse 12)? When were you included in Christ? If we are meant to live to glorify God, in what does Paul mean when He says the Holy Spirit is the seal? How is your faith secured?
A Transforming Relationship with Christ: In Philippians 3:7-12, Paul speaks of knowing Christ as the most meaningful thing in his life. How do the phrases “gain Christ” or “found in him” speak to putting our faith in our relationship with Christ? What is happening as we draw near to Him? Paul is seeking a union with Christ, not a one-time experience. How do verses 10-12 speak to an on-going relationship with Jesus?
More Than Conquerors: Read Romans 8:31-38. Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Verse 36 is a quote from Psalm 44:22. How has Paul used it to explain suffering in the life of a Christian? What is it that protects and makes us more than conquerors? What do the plural pronouns say about the communal role of faith? Lastly, read Hebrews 3:12-14. Why must we exhort one another daily? What is the benefit of enduring faith?
Eugene spoke Sunday on the Armor of God and how each piece of the armor represents a relational engagement with God. Read Ephesians 6:13-18. Each of these pieces is reflective of God’s character. The shield of faith grows strong enough to protects us from enemy’s darts of doubt and deception, but it also helps us to push back against him. How strong is your shield? Where are the weak spots in your faith: understanding the power of the gospel, trusting the sovereignty of God, building an intimate relationship with Christ, or realizing you are more than a Conqueror?
In Philippians 3:9, Paul speaks of knowing God as the ultimate product of his faith in Christ. Is your faith being measured by what it can accomplish or who it will draw you near?
How has God fortified your shield of faith this year?
The enemy is real as are his tactics, how are you sharing in Christ with other believers to build your confidence in the Lord and combat his lies with Truth?
If we know we are in Christ, predestined to live for Him, how do we persevere in faith? Read Hebrews 10:19-25. What are the three things we must do to persevere?
Draw Near: It has been said, “what we marinate in is what we will taste like”. Our faith is fortified in knowing we have all the tools we need to live a life holy and pleasing to him. Read 2 Peter 1:13 and outline the qualities Peter ascribes to a growing faith and trust in God. How do we understand our chosen status in verses 10-11?
Persevere: The Greek word for stand firm is “steko”. It is translated stand fast, persevere. Read Philippians 1:27-28. What does it mean when Paul says, “let your life be worthy of the gospel”? How does Paul want to find the church at Philippi? What is the purpose of their perseverance?
Walk in the Light: Read 1 John 1: 1-7. To bear witness is to be motivated by the love given to us so that we carry the truth forward by giving a first-hand account of a life changed by the blood of Jesus. It is never stagnant, because our testimony grows with a daily walk with the Lord. How did John speak with confidence in his testimony? What was his goal (v.3)? What was his promise for this fellowship (v. 4)? What does it look like to walk in the light?
By Faith: Action is an outflow of relationship. What is visible is formed out the assurance of what we have not seen. If you have experienced the saving power of the gospel and have a daily walk with the Lord, you can bear witness and by faith respond to the challenges of this world. Now, read through the Faith Hall of Fame in Hebrews 11. What two-word phrase is the thematic emphasis? None of the heroes listed did anything on their own. Read Jude 1:20-23. Notice what steps proceed the actions in verse 23. Be shored up in love and in relationship with God and your life will be lived with the influence of our supernatural reality.