
What is it and how do I get it?

Start with Scripture

Read Proverbs 1:7, 15:33, and Psalm 111:10. What do they all refer to as the beginning of wisdom? The Hebrew word for fear used in these passages is yir-ah, which is an awe, respect or reverence for the Lord. What do you think is the correlation between fear and beginning?

Read Proverbs 4:7-8, 2:1-11. Is wisdom a prize worth pursuing? How are you supposed to search for it?Where is that type of wisdom found? Read Job 28:12-28 and take note of what wisdom is compared to and greater than. Also, as you search this passage to answer the question where wisdom is found, perhaps you should discern where it says wisdom isn’t (vs. 13, 21).

If wisdom is not in the land of the living and is hidden from the eyes of all living, then where is it? Let’s revisit Job 28:23, 28. Sound familiar? What do these verses have in common with Proverbs 1:7, 15:33 above?

If God is the source of all wisdom and reveals it to His creation as seen in Job 28, then what hope do we have of ever gaining understanding and wisdom? Read James 1:5. Read that again – pause and ponder that promise.

So now we know where wisdom comes from and that it is possible to find – but does the Bible define wisdom the same way you do? Read James 3:13-18. Compare and contrast the wisdom from above and earthly wisdom in this passage.

Personal Reflections

As seen in James 3, one path of wisdom leads to peace and one path leads to destruction. Which path of wisdom are you more drawn too? Which path of wisdom are you on more often?As seen throughout Scripture, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. How would you describe your fear of the Lord in light of fear being an overwhelming sense of respect for the Lord? Is this reverence for the Lord at the beginning of your daily search for wisdom? What practical steps could you take to make that happen? Do you really think it would make any difference?

If the Lord gives wisdom generously to all who ask as seen in James 1:5, have you asked Him lately for wisdom? In what areas have you asked for wisdom? In what areas would you like to ask Him for wisdom? Is it difficult for you to ask Him for wisdom?

The Gospel Approach

Let’s go back to Proverbs 2:1-11. This time, look for the if/then connections and make a list. (Hint: There are 3 “ifs” and 2 “thens”). Now, list the benefits associated with following through on the if/then connections. Look for the action verbs in the passage and note who is performing the action? Do any of the benefits sound appealing to you? What needs to change in your life to implement the if/then connection as seen here?

Now read Proverbs 3:5-7. How does that relate to Jeremiah 9:23-24? Are you acknowledging Him and delighting in a better understanding of Him or trying to be wise in your own eyes? What you can do to trust His ways more?

Wisdom must be humbly asked for and searched for as a hidden treasure. What can you do to mine the Truth of God’s Word for wisdom? It is not a quick-fix but done as you cultivate disciplines for discernment over time.

Read Colossians 2:7 and challenge each other to walk in Him, develop roots in the Word and be built up together in Him and established in the faith. That does not sound like a new sapling planted in shallow dirt. That sounds like a tree firmly planted that has weathered storms together with its Creator. Meditate on the picture of wisdom vs. folly in Psalm 1.

Suggested Reading: Mediate on Psalm 119. Read one chapter of Proverbs/day to coincide with the days of the month.